Contract Management/Administrator, and Employer's Representative/Agent

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We can provide Contract Management or Contract Administration services, by providing the management obligations made between the parties to the contract.

Our skills include negotiation, supporting and managing effective contracts on behalf of the client, especially where clients do not have in-house resources. Contract management includes negotiating the terms and conditions in contracts and ensuring compliance with the terms and conditions, as well as documenting and agreeing on any changes or amendments that may arise during its implementation or execution.

It can be summarised as the process of systematically and efficiently managing contract creation, execution, and analysis for the purpose of maximising financial and operational performance and minimising risk.

Complex contracts are often necessary for construction projects, goods or services that are highly regulated. They often include detailed technical specifications, intellectual property (IP) agreements, outsourcing and specialist trade.

We have an excellent experience across a wide range of contracts, such as NEC, JCT, RIBA, and bespoke forms such as PFI Project Agreements, Blue Book, and also sub-contract and service-level delivery agreements.

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Unit 330
Queens Dock Business Centre
67-83 Norfolk Street
L1 0BG


Registered in England & Wales.
Registration No: 08790086
VAT No: GB 180 4223 35

Regulated by RICS
Constructionline "Gold"
ISO 9001:2015 QMS

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